How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff


With the rise of internet work-from-home jobs and freelancing, our concept of a workplace is steadily changing. Now, our notion of a conventional workplace can be different from the rooms filled with individual cubicles that we were used to. HubStaff, a software from a firm of the same name based in the United States, offers its services for traditional, remote, or even completely online workplaces.

An employee monitoring software is used to track whether or not employees are keeping on with their responsibilities, in addition to screen and look out for unwanted or prohibited activity. Aside from monitoring behaviour, it can also be used to handle any sort of workplace and make it more productive.


Monitor Productivity and Improve Coordination with HubStaff How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

HubStaff includes the features that you would expect from an employee tracking software such as:

Online Activity Monitoring:

All of us know full well that social media kills productivity. All too frequently, a few swipes on any social networking app is going to wind up consuming hours of our time, even in the workplace. Assessing on important notifications from time to time is acceptable, but it is helpful if managers know when it’s becoming a problem. HubStaff can help track if employees use an excessive amount of social media and other applications that hamper productivity.

HubStaff can take note of the websites (and even the url of the exact page) that employees visit during work hours, as well as the time they spend on it. Traffic from applications may also be tracked and the time spent on them is also recorded.

The information is displayed neatly, and managers can see the page name of the visited pages, the url, and the time spent, all in one glance. They can also go to the links displayed to confirm if employees really are letting time slide on websites unrelated to work.


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Screen Monitoring

Tracking individual displays is too much of a hassle and can be quite awkward if done personally. But then, it’s crucial for when a remote workplace setup is in order where it’s impossible to handle employees in person.

HubStaff has a feature that can enable managers to take screenshots of the employees’ screens at a customizable time period, with 10 minutes as the default option. If this sounds too much of an invasion of privacy, then it could be set to have the screenshots be partially blurred. This way, managers can determine if workers are working on their desks instead of playing games or watching movies, without exposing potential sensitive information.

It must be noted that employees would know that this feature is activated on their displays. Employees would also have the ability to look at the screenshots taken from their displays just so that they’ll be assured that this feature is implemented only for reasons related to work.

That said, this still has an effect on the behaviour of employees as knowing that their displays are tracked is enough of a reason for them to execute their tasks.

Monitor Activity on Computer Peripheral Devices

In standard office setups, the sound of keyboard strokes and mouse clicks can be enough of a step of employee activity. HubStaff can detect keyboard strokes and mouse interaction and discover times of inactivity where none of these instances are present.

HubStaff can then compare the total time where the mouse or keyboard is busy to the overall time spent working. HubStaff considers a productivity rate of at least 60% as a good sign. Productivity rates of less than 60% may indicate that a worker is taking too much time on the desk doing nothing, or if a worker is doing too slowly.

The dashboard for this tool displays the productivity rate of each member of the group. This way, the tool can also be used to see how many members of this team are working on a project at a given time.


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Work Limit Monitoring How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

Working overtime is also becoming more of a standard, even so in countries like Japan where it’s an unofficial standard. Reasons can vary from employees wanting to complete their tasks early, catch up on jobs, and some are just workaholics who wish to be running as much as possible.

However, it’s been proven that too much work can be harmful as creativity and productivity declines without enough rest. There is a good reason why there’s a regular 8 hours of work each day.

HubStaff can help managers monitor if workers are working too much hours each week. They can set the maximum time every week which employees can remain logged on for work. After the maximum time has been reached, then the time monitoring tool stops. This way, workaholic tendencies are suppressed, and that workers will not be given the incentive to put in a lot of time to work and sacrifice rest and personal time.

Monitor the Location of Workers

Managers working with remote teams might find it hard to communicate and coordinate the team. Some employees might be jumping from place to place for work, and also be working from cafes or other workstations.

Setting up unplanned meetings can be difficult if employees are commuting from 1 place to another, or if they’re doing field work.

Members of the team can install HubStaff on their telephones so that the employee place monitoring feature can be utilized. With this, managers and team leaders can track the location of the members during work hours.

HubStaff can display how much time employees spend on commuting between locations and how much time is spent on each location. From these data, managers can determine the best time to do quick meetings.

As this requires employees to install HubStaff in their phones, this may be seen as too intrusive of a tool. But same as the rules on iOS and Android programs, employees will know exactly when their locations are being tracked.

Project Progress Monitoring

HubStaff lets the entire team report on the progress of their tasks. HubStaff can then use this to offer a report on the status of every project on a weekly basis. On the team dashboard, managers can see each individual employee’s working hours and a summary of their completed and uncompleted tasks. The dashboard also displays whether employees are online.


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Payroll, Timesheets, and other Miscellaneous Features How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

Aside from tracking employee productivity, HubStaff can also make it easier for managers and admins to handle payrolls and manage accounts.

Timesheet and Payroll Management

HubStaff can be a digital check-in and check-out mechanism for businesses. And, better than traditional systems where timesheets can be cheated, the HubStaff timesheet tool can record the first keyboard stroke or mouse activity of the day for each employee.

Managers can also pause the system manually for breaks.

With HubStaff, maintaining a list of working hours and salaries is also made simpler. HubStaff’s payroll managing tool can determine each employee’s payout depending on the hours logged for them. By linking their paypal accounts with HubStaff, then payment transfers are made simple. Cash transfers for payroll can even be automatically set to weekly, monthly, or on a set period.

Job Tracking for Customers How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

Being transparent to customers is key for establishing trust for your business. HubStaff makes it easy to communicate with clients, in addition to assure them that things are moving as agreed upon.

HubStaff makes it easy for clients to have a peek into the progress of jobs. This can be simply done by adding clients into the members tab. From there, they could see the phases of the project, in addition to the pending and completed tasks.

Third party Software Integration

HubStaff can integrate well with other project tracking tools such as but not limited to Asana and Trello. This is good news for business owners that are already using other project management applications.

How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

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Employee Spying?

You may be asking yourself if using HubStaff to handle employees can be counterproductive since it may make a feeling of distrust between managers and team members. To ease your mind, you can be sure that HubStaff lets the entire team know of the whole monitoring system. Employees can make certain that their actions are monitored only during work hours, and exactly how they’re being monitored.

However, as a company owner or manager, it’s your duty to let your workers know beforehand that your workplace will be implementing HubStaff. Additionally, HubStaff should only be installed on the devices necessary for work where it would make sense to have implement a monitoring system.

To put it simply, HubStaff is a tracking system and not a surveillance system. Employees can be certain that only the instances of their keystrokes and mouse activity are listed, and not the actual keystroke that they register. HubStaff won’t let managers and admins know what exactly their workers are typing.

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HubStaff has three paid plans that charge a fixed price per user per month. The Basic plan costs $7, while the Premium and Enterprise plans cost $10 and $20 respectively.

Just the Premium and Enterprise plans unlock features associated with payroll management. The enterprise feature comprises fleet tracking and even a concierge account.

For those who are willing to pay on an annual basis, then the cost per person per month of their paid plans will be slashed down to $5, 8$, and $16, respectively.


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Verdict How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

It’s important to find the right software for your business since this will allow you to, in a way, outsource some of your tasks to the specific software.

You can be sure that HubStaff can flawlessly perform the job that it promises to do. The user interface is clean and intuitive, and isn’t in any way confusing, requiring only minimal orientation for employees not familiar with the software.

However, it has to be said that not all companies might benefit fully from using HubStaff. HubStaff is especially suited to contemporary desk jobs, and for projects where staff members use computers for the majority of their time. Take jobs that take a whole lot of reading for instance, where employees might appear to be inactive based on computer interaction. The software might say that they are inactive, but they just might be on top of a reading assignment in reality

Business owners should also not completely depend on the information that HubStaff collects to ascertain if their employees are being productive or not. HubStaff is simply a project management software using features and tools that will allow you to gauge the performance of employees and other members of the group. This is certainly not a virtual or artificial intelligence workplace manager.

All the same, HubStaff collects data seamlessly, and we all know that data helps you run your business effectively.

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FAQ How to Make a User Organization Manager& Hubstaff

Q: Where do the screenshots go?

A: HubStaff shops the screenshots and other data using Amazon AWS.

Q: Is there a maximum number of team members who can use HubStaff?

A: The paid programs have a minimum of two users and limit of 350 users.

Q: Is implementing HubStaff in companies completely legal?

A: HubStaff has complete legal permissions for use, and resources regarding them are available on their site. But these are only based on United States laws. It’s best to check with a lawyer for international users.

Q: Can employees choose when they are being tracked?

A: Yes, employees can manually start and finish HubStaff monitoring and have it run in the background. HubStaff does not collect any data once tracking ends.


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